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发表于 2013-12-23 20:24:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Hello, how are you? When most people learnEnglish as a second language, they learn formal English. Unfortunately,learning it like this tends to make you feel distant and bored. The truth is,most people in English-speaking countries don't speak to each other in such aformal way. They speak in a casual way to their friends and families. Whenspeaking casually, people tend to use a lot of informal or colloquial words,and also shorten and connect their phrases. They say things like "Hey,what's up?" or "Hey! Whatcha been doin'?" These expressions areboth common and natural, and make you seem like a native speaker. Using themmay make people more interested in talking to you. This type of English is morelike what you will hear in movies and TV shows. Speaking this way makes nativespeakers feel more relaxed and you will sound like a friendly person who speaksEnglish well. You got that, buddy?
May I have your attention , please? Thelibrary will be closing in five minutes. Please make all final checkouts andprepare to leave . Thank you.

More and more people today are realizingthe importance of regular physical exercise. Physical exercise can make youstrong and healthy. By doing some form of physical exercise every day, yourlevel of energy will increase and you will sleep better at night. There aremany different forms of physical exercises that suit different tastes and needsof different people. Take track and field events, for example. Throwing thejavelin can strengthen your arm and upper body. The long jump and high jump canstrengthen your legs. Basketball, football and volleyball are also good formsof exercise. Be careful when choosing the right type of exercise for yourself.If your heart is weak, for example, you should start with some light exercise.If you are overweight, know your limits. In a word, don't overdo it.
Good afternoon everyone. The campusswimming pool will open next Thursday. Those interested in using this facilitymust have a physical check-up at the school health center, and then apply for apool card at the PE Department . Come and take advantage of a great exerciseopportunity !

I have quite a few long distancefriendships. How do I maintain these relationships? Well, I believe friendshipis very important, but I also think friendship really needs tending-like plantsin the garden. It's important to keep up to date with my friends, somethingthat's hard to do with long distances between us. But over the years I havemanaged to stay very tight with my friends, even though distances separate us.Jane lives in another city, and she's not much for writing letters, so we talkon the phone at least once a week, usually for an hour at a time. We take turnscalling each other, so I stay close to her through the phone. My phone billsare high, but I consider them just another living expense, like rent. Otherfriends I e-mail. I have one friend who just isn't into writing letters. I'veknown her for a long time. We've always considered ourselves friends, but overtime I've always been in and out of touch with her. But she is alwayson-line-e-mail is her thing. Since I've gotten an e-mail address, I e-mail hertwice a week. Now, I'm back in good touch with her. She'll often sit down andwrite me e-mail, but she just wouldn't do it with pen and paper. E-mail'sreally a great way to keep in touch with friends.
Ladies and gentlemen, may I have yourattention please? The Students Friendship Association will be having an outingthis Saturday. All members are requested to meet at the school gate at 6:40a.m. The bus will leave at 7:00 sharp . Make sure you're on time ! Thank you.

Today, scientists have found that thegreenhouse gases in the lower atmosphere have changed the global climate. Thesegases are largely due to human activities, such as the burning up of gas, coaland oil, and the destruction of forests. It is estimated that the averagesurface temperature of the earth will rise by 1.5 - 3.5Cº by 2100. This rate of warming is significant. The oceans will heatup and glaciers will melt. As a result, the global average sea level isexpected to rise by 1595 cm by 2100.In that case all coastal cities will be at risk as a result of flooding andstorm surges. Also, around the world weather events such as storms and floodswill become more frequent and intense. Clearly, global climate change isbecoming a great threat to our environment. So we must take effective measuresto produce fewer greenhouse gases that cause it.
Friday looks really good. Sunny all daywith a daytime temperature of 70 degrees. But bundle up Friday night, as thetemperature will drop sharply. On Saturday, it will be cold and cloudy in themorning with strong winds. In the afternoon, there's a good chance of snowflurries , and the temperature will only reach 37 degrees! On Sunday morning itwill be cloudy, with some rain showers in the afternoon. But temperatures willrise to 50 degrees.

Eating habits in America really get a lotof criticism. But the truth is, it matters much where in America you look. Inbig cities, people are becoming more health-conscious every day. This is shownby what foods they choose to buy in supermarkets, and what restaurants they eatin. There is now a big push for "green" foods that are grownnaturally. In cities like New York and Chicago, restaurants offer new andhealthy styles to stay ahead of the competition. However, these habits contrastwith those in America's heartland. Here, people tend to eat more traditionaland higher fat foods, such as breakfasts of eggs, bacon, sausages, toast andother greasy, but delicious foods. Fast food chain restaurants such asMcDonald's and the Olive Garden, which serve cheaper food, draw a lot ofcustomers and are popular in most places.
Have you ever dreamed of tasting yourfavorite McDonald's foods for only one dollar, and then, adding something toyour Extra Value Meal? Now your dream can come true with McDonald's DollarMenu. Great choices. Every day here at McDonald's. Look for these and more:Salad, Double Cheeseburger , Fries, McChicken Sandwiches, Snack Fruits, SoftDrinks, and Pies. Have a great meal!

There's nothing gradual about the flu: ithits you like a hammer. One minute you're feeling fine, and the next you can beshivering, burning up, and then shivering again. In minutes, your legs becomeweak and your body aches in places that have never hurt before. Influenza canbreak out so suddenly that people can sometimes say, "It hit me at exactly9 last night". But whether the flu strikes at night or on the bus toschool, there's just one thing a victim wants to do: lie down in bed. A healthyperson can fight off the flu in three to five days, though a cough and tiredfeeling can last two more weeks. But often an attack of the flu is followed byanother illness. Doctors recommend that old people, or people of any age withheart or lung problems, get a flu vaccine every year. Because flu viruseschange all the time, a new vaccine must be prepared each year to protectagainst future attacks.
Receptionist : Good morning. Dr. Black'soffice.
Student: Hello, this is Albert Shaw. I'dlike to make an appointment with Dr. Black for a checkup . Would 9:30 be allright?
Receptionist: Let's see. He doesn't haveany openings in the morning. But there's a cancellation in the afternoon at 3o'clock .
Student: Hmmm, how about 3:30? I'll have aclass until 3:15.
Receptionist: OK, let's make it 3:30 ---the day after tomorrow. That's Thursday.

Ever since ancient times, people havealways loved a bargain. If they think they are getting a "good deal"they will grab it up, whatever it is. Some people buy clothes they will neverwear, or furniture they have no need or room for. Some even buy cars they can'tafford simply because the auto dealer is having a sale. There is an old saying:"You get what you pay for." And another saying: "If a priceseems too good to be true, it probably is...." Sometimes stores featurepoorer quality goods at prices that are not really reduced. Some stores offer"unbelievable bargain prices" on unit costs, then add on hiddencharges so that the final price is the same as the regular priceor sometimes even higher. There are bargains to be had, but thesafest way is to find a retailer that you can trust, and to be cautious. TheRomans had a saying: "Let the buyer beware!" The idea is as truetoday as it ever was.
Welcome to our Gift Shop ! Time to startthinking about gifts for your friends! The best flowers, cards, stationery,dolls, oriental gifts, art prints and posters, hand-made gifts, and woodworkare arriving daily. Remember, all the gifts are carefully chosen by topprofessionals! You can get all your favorite gifts at a discount of twenty percent here at Gift Shop!

In many colleges and universities, therapid increase in the number of resident students has made on-campusdormitories increasingly crowded. Thus even some of the least attractiveoff-campus apartments now seem to be in great demand. As a result, real estateowners tend to purchase as many properties as they can near college campusesfor the sole purpose of renting them out to students. "College towns"have sprung up across the country where there are large numbers of housesfilled with student tenants. To find an apartment that's "right" foryou, first determine exactly how much you can spend. Don't waste your valuabletime seeing apartments you can't afford. Use newspaper classified ads,apartment guides and the Internet, to make a list of "candidates" inyour price range and needs. First consider how much travel time you can affordeach day. The next question: will you have a roommate to share the costs? Willyou be able to afford the apartment if your partner moves out? Furthermore, besure to consider the potential costs of utilities carefully. Sometimes utilitycosts are included in the rent. This arrangement often gives a clearer pictureof monthly costs.
Inmany colleges and universities, the rapid increase in the number of residentstudents has made on-campus dormitories increasingly crowded. Thus even some ofthe least attractive off-campus apartments now seem to be in great demand. As aresult, real estate owners tend to purchase as many properties as they can nearcollege campuses for the sole purpose of renting them out to students."College towns" have sprung up across the country where there arelarge numbers of houses filled with student tenants. To find an apartmentthat's "right" for you, first determine exactly how much you canspend. Don't waste your valuable time seeing apartments you can't afford. Usenewspaper classified ads, apartment guides and the Internet, to make a list of"candidates" in your price range and needs. First consider how muchtravel time you can afford each day. The next question: will you have aroommate to share the costs? Will you be able to afford the apartment if yourpartner moves out? Furthermore, be sure to consider the potential costs ofutilities carefully. Sometimes utility costs are included in the rent. Thisarrangement often gives a clearer picture of monthly costs.

Over the years, studies have shown thatit's possible to become addicted to the Internet. Actually, college studentsare most likely to have the addiction because of many factors. Difficulty inadapting to life away from home, and certain psychological problems likedepression or social anxiety are among the main reasons. College students havelots of free time to spend and many of them are supplied with free Internetaccess and a computer in their dorms. It's really easy to get addicted. Walkingthrough the computer labs, you are most likely to find students chatting orsurfing on the Internet. There are not just some, but many students not reallydoing anything related to schoolwork. They are spending far too much timeonline, which may do harm to their schoolwork and other activities. As a result,some have been academically dismissed, and others are even in the danger zonefor developing an addiction to Internet gambling. We know that college is atraining ground for adulthood; therefore, the Internet addiction needs to beaddressed now as a serious problem on college campuses.
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. We arehonored today to have Professor Hans Anderson from Harvard University as ourguest. Professor Anderson is a world-famous expert on computer hacking, andoften advises governments on how to protect their computer systems from thedangers of hackers. He has published many books and articles on computer useand misuse, and though he is a first-class scholar, he is particularly popularwith young audiences. His topic today is "New Threats to Security inToday's World". After his speech you'll have time for questions. I'm surehe'll wake your interest in this topic. And now, Professor Anderson, please!

Some people really enjoy Christmas, orValentine's Day, or Easter, or have a huge family reunion or barbecue on theFourth of July. Some people look forward to stuffing themselves with turkeyevery year on Thanksgiving. Great as those are, they don't compare with myfavorite. I LOVE Halloween! Why Halloween? Well, Halloween is the one night ofthe year when we can all get dressed up as someone else, pretend and let ourimaginations run wild. Even adults get a free pass to go back to theirchildhood and become that kid still inside all of us. It's also the one nightof the year when we get to shine light on the dark, and confront monsters,ghosts, witches, and all things dead. We get to confront our biggest fears, asboth children and adults, and reassure ourselves that there's really no reasonto be afraid of things we see at night.
Good morning, passengers. Welcome aboard.We'll be arriving in Disneyland within an hour. In the meantime, it is mypleasure to make you aware of the many historic and scenic spots along the way.And there are many indeed, so just sit back, relax and look out of the window.Before you know it, we'll hear Mickey Mouse welcoming us.

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